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Samantha No More


Solo Project (Designer, Programmer, Artist)


A first-person single player game, where the player needs to switch between two characters in order to solve puzzles and progress through the environment.

This game was for a study project, where I was tasked with doing a game that promotes an upcoming (fake) TV show, focusing on the bond between two friends, Jeremy and Mathilda.




First-person, Puzzle




Click on images to read about the ideas behind the design

Introductory level that shows basic controls, the player is tasked to find a key in order to open a door and progress to the second level.

Players will choose which character they want to start this level with. The level also includes basic AI, as the unselected character will follow the player character around the environment.

Level 1

Level 2

This is the level we introduce the character switching mechanic, as the player will need to switch between the two characters to look for clues that will help with the solving of the various puzzles in this level.

Click on image to read more about the character

Cutscenes & Trailers

Puzzles and Clues
Click on Images to read about the puzzle system

Character Choosing Menu
Puzzle Game Object (Key)
Pressure Floor Pad
Clue 2
Clue 1
Lever System
Padlock System
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